Light Talk with Lucio
Light Talk with Lucio
Rapid Stillness
As the New Earth begins to shift into a new paradigm, we are confronted with the choices from our past and decisions for our future. While the past no longer exists, what does exist, is how we view our past and come to terms with our actions. Finding peace, restoring confidence, and offering forgiveness will support the journey as we head into newer, evolved versions of ourselves. We have typically been taught as a society to be on the constant "go" in terms of our career, partnerships, and serving a hustle mentality. Yet, who is this truly serving? In moments of consistency and tenacity for our dreams to come true, we must first become clear on those dreams by allowing ourselves to grant permission to become still to hear the answers only we know within. Clarity will come, so we must remain patient. As uncomfortable as it may be, it will require us to do absolutely nothing to remain in the silence and stillness in a world of rapid change.